In Brazil and in the World

Adalton: The Lord of Clay

Museu do Folclore Edison Cordeiro – Galeria Mestre Vitalino
Rio de Janeiro, RJ

The show was a joint tribute by the Museu do Folclore Edison Cordeiro and the Museu Casa do Pontal to Adalton Fernandes Lopes (1938-2005), one of the great folk artists of Brazil, recognized and admired by collectors, experts, scholars and all those interested in Brazilian art and culture. The 60 works showed the vast repertoire of devotion, the different tastes of the citizens of the City and State of Rio de Janeiro for games and amusements, large community celebrations and the lives of itinerant street vendors in cities. The exhibit shows the career of this artist who depicts as few can, the arts and workshops of the Brazilian people. In addition to the collections from the Museu de Folclore and the Museu Casa do Pontal, the exhibit also included examples from the collection of the Divisão de Folclore do Instituto Estadual do Patrimônio Cultural do Rio de Janeiro and from the collections of the artist's family and his friends Amélia Zaluar, Delzimar Coutinho and Cássia Frade.